How to Prepare for Your Headshot Session?

Have a headshot session coming up? Have no idea what to do or where to start? Keep reading to find all of your answers!

A headshot is not just a picture to add to your
LinkedIn portfolio: it’s the first impression people will have of you – especially when building your brand. Here are my top 3 tips to get you ready for your headshot in Tampa, FL.

1. Choosing the Right Outfit

Depending on the length of your shoot, it would be
wise to bring a few different outfits, so you need to be prepared. My go-to option for my clients is to use solid colors that complement your skin tone. Always avoid busy patterns or logos that distract from your face.

You want outfits that make you pop and draw people’s focus on you. If you’re looking for more of a professional look, then look into using classic pieces like a simple blouse, a crisp shirt, or a well-tailored blazer.

Now, if this shoot is more towards the creative side, then don’t be afraid to choose clothing that reflects your personality or who you want to become. During your session, your photographer will work with you to make sure which poses and looks leave you feeling your best!

picture of a woman sitting down on a chair posing. 
Tampa Top Headshot Photographer
Headshot Tampa Florida 
Brand Photographer

2. Grooming and Personal Care:

Some headshot sessions include getting your hair and make-up done by a professional. I recommend going for that package because it’s not every day you get professional photoshoot done tailored to you.

Why not take that extra step to add a little glam to your session? Always make sure your hair is clean and styled in a way that makes you feel the most confident. If you wear make-up aim for a more natural look that enhances your features like your eyes and smile.

Men, make sure you are arriving with trimmed and fresh facial hair to maintain a neat appearance. My last rule is remember to make sure your nails are clean and manicured because it might be visible in some shots. Every detail counts!

3. Communicate with your Photographer:

During your shoot you have a limited time to get the job done right. Take the time before the shoot to really talk to your photographer about ideas you have in mind, locations you want to try, or specific requirements you need. This is your shoot; a good photographer will help you take all the guesswork out and help you feel confident during your shoot.

By using my top 3 tips, you will be will prepared for your headshot session in Tampa, FL. A great
headshot can open so many doors. Now go be creative and bring that confidence!